Once your order has been confirmed you will receive a confirmation email with your order information. Once your order has been shipped you will receive another email with a tracking number and estimated delivery date. If you ordered multiple items they may be shipped separately and you will get multiple shipping emails.
Coupons can not be combined with sale items, Min to use the coupon is $300.
We strongly suggest that you confirm availability before order ordering, since stock changes hourly.
Your Contact Information
Always make sure that the information you enter for your order is correct. Inputting the right email address and phone number is essential is case we need to contact you about your order. Please ensure that emails for dressmeupny.com does not go into your spam folder.
Stock Availability
We try our hardest to make sure our listed products are available as soon as possible. However certain items are not available all the time. We will always notify you if an item is unavailable and help you choose a similar item or inform when your item may be available.
We recommend checking Availability of the dress with us before before purchasing.
Bridsmaid Dresses
Please allow 12 weeks for bridsmaid dresses, Incase of rush you can pay $35 for 6 weeks delivery.
Orders that are placed before 2pm EST will be processed that same day. Any orders placed after 2pm EST will be processed the next business day
Special Orders
Special order dresses are items that are not in stock and therefore take longer to ship. If you have any questions about when your special order will be shipped please contact us. Once you placed your special order you will receive a confirmation with the estimated shipping date. Your payment method will be charged once your order is confirmed. If you want to cancel your after it has been confirmed there is a 25 dollar cancellation fee that will be deducted from the store credit you receive.
Items that are listed as as Pre-Order means that they are in production and will be available in the future. Once you order a pre-ordered item and the order is confirmed your payment method will be charged. You will receive a confirmation email with the approximate shipping date. Sometimes the shipping date does change and we will notify you if this occurs. There is a 25 dollar cancellation fee for cancelled pre ordered items
Order Cancellation
There are no automatic cancelation and we have to inform 72 hours before shipping about cancelation of an order.If your order has not been processed (i.e. you have not received your confirmation email) you can cancel it without any penalty. possible Only up to 72 hours after placing the order However if your ordered has been confirmed then there is a $25 cancellation fee (as long as your item has not been shipped). If your order has been shipped (you received a shipping confirmation) then you cannot cancel your order. If you do refuse the order there will be an additional 50 dollar restocking fee charged to your original payment method.
AfterPay Payments
All AfterPay orders are subject to availability verification with us prior purchase , Failing to verify with us subjects 6% fee if stock is not available.
Sales Tax
Depending on the shipping address certain sales tax may apply
Store pricing
The prices in store on some merchandize might be higher more than 30%, Due to the cost rent and salary for time spend with customers.
Credit Card Payments
When you fill out your order and confirm it you credit card will be authorized. At this point your credit card company may hold the payment as pending. Your card will not be charged by us until we ship your order (for special or pre order items your credit card will be charged when shipment date is confirmed. If you cancel your order before the item is shipped we will not charge your card but the credit card company may hold the funds for 7-10 days
It is very important that you fill out your credit card information correctly. If any information is entered incorrectly then your order will not be processed and you may be asked to use a different method of payment
PayPal Payments
PayPal is a online service where you can pay for items and send money safe and securely. Your paypal account can be connected to your bank account and credit card account. As with other payment options when your order is confirmed your charge will be pending until your item is shipped and then your payment will go through.
If you cancel your order before it has been shipped your account will be refunded. It may take up to 10 days for your account to be refunded.
International Customers
Internationals purchases made with credit cards will take longer to process as international credit cards take longer to process. For international customers we recommend paypal which by using will avoid this extra processing time and is safe and secure
Store Credit
If you are eligible to receive a store credit, you will be sent an email with your store credit balance and the code that must be used when you want to make a purchase. Store credit can be used on any item on dressmeupny.com but may never be exchanged for money. If you purchase an item that is less than the amount of store credit you have then you will receive another email with current store credit balance. If your purchase is more than the store credit balance you have left you will have to pay the difference using your credit card and paypal.
Price Match
We match our competition price only if they have same style and color available in their stock, We will not honor prices on atlantics dresses and not china web sites that make knock offs.Sale itemes do not include price match.
Discounts and other offering
Discount coupons and free shipping and other offering can not be combined.